- The Revenue division of DoT, consisting of License Finance and Wireless Planning Finance division, has taken up an initiative to ease and automate the current telecom revenue reporting, assessment and payment mechanism.
- A Revenue Management Software SARAS (System for Assessment of LF Revenue and SUC) has been implemented, which would digitise the assessments, payment and accounting of license fees, spectrum usage charges etc. along with all ancillary processes
- It is a web based application, and would enable the Licensee to make online payments, digitally file and verify deduction claims, AGR statements, bank guarantee details along with enabling the Department to conduct online assessment of LF and SUC, management of bank guarantees, handle representations etc.
- SARAS also incorporates features for grievance management and knowledge sharing for facilitating better communication amongst the department and the licensees. It would also provide email and SMS .s to the users for ensuring timely action on the respective tasks.